Entries by Miruna

Quick service for accessing information on companies in insolvency

Free services for checking up companies Did you know that in Romania you may access free information on companies in insolvency from seven EU Member States? The Romanian Trade Register Office has implemented a quick service for accessing this kind of information. Furthermore, this service is free of tax. Also, it was developed in a project run […]

Why is Romania so attractive for investors

Romania registered the highest annual economic growth in the European Union in the fourth quarter of 2016, according to Eurostat. This performance couldn’t have been reached without the investments coming from international companies that discovered here a very good environment for their businesses. Even though a recent study of Eurostat shows that Romania has the highest […]

Student Entrepreneurial Companies – the future of entrepreneurship in Romania

Starting with 23 February a new Order issued by Ministry of Education is regulating the Student Entrepreneurial Companies, a new-formed type of company designed to help young students and graduates in their first 3 years of graduation to develop their entrepreneurial skills. According to it, these companies will be established by each university in Romania, being […]