Quick service for accessing information on companies in insolvency

Free services for checking up companies

Did you know that in Romania you may access free information on companies in insolvency from seven EU Member States? The Romanian Trade Register Office has implemented a quick service for accessing this kind of information.

Furthermore, this service is free of tax. Also, it was developed in a project run by the European Commission in collaboration with the insolvency registers of Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Slovenia.

Thus, the free information regards businesses that are subject to insolvency proceedings registered in the national registers of the above mentioned states. The information can be found here.

Check your business partners!

So, if you want to create a start up or if you want to finance a business in the U.E., using this service you may check your potential and current business partners by quickly accessing up-to-date and real-time information.

Also, the Romanian Trade Register Office offers free information regarding the companies mentioned in the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin.  This information regards:

  • the name of the debtor;
  • the unique tax identification code;
  • the registration number;
  • the name of the procedural document published in the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin;
  • the procedural document;
  • the number and date of the court file;
  • the court;
  • the bulletin number and the date of publication.